So I am a perfectionist at heart. I don't like doing something unless I can do it perfectly, and I have a difficult time following through on something if it is not up to my standard are perfection. This has both it's pros and cons, naturally. But for mental well beings sake I do my best to keep it on the positive track.
So for instance this blog has not gone exactly as planned so far. But life, work, love, and all things that we do or set forth to do are a learning process. Mistakes are to be expected, but won't necessarily happen. The key is to remember that that is half the fun of it.
But for future reference. This really is most importantly 3-4 things as a blog. Okay, maybe stretch that and say 5.
1. Fashion (Because I do not know who I would be without my armor of beautiful clothing.)
2. Literary (I write a lot because I think a lot, and I like to write about what I have read and observed.)
3. Film (I'm a fanatic, and an amateur critic.)
4. Inspiring like minded people, or even non-like minded people.
5. An ode to my family (they are all artists in their own right-my grandmother was a painter, and we have a history of artistically talented family members). And of course an ode to the past power houses-Chanel, Edith Wharton, McKim, White, Hemingway, or any of my other idols (I have a very long list).
On a side note. I've been frustrated with a lack of photography on my blog, especially self photo shoots displaying my many looks/styles. But I recently came up with a method that will hopefully eleviate this issue without having to go to the extremes of hiring someone or depending on friends and family who are not always willing to indulge in my reluctant vanity. Hopefully it will increase my camera comfort. I'm still not one of those people who takes 1,000 of pictures, but I need to be. Practice, practice, practice, as they say.
And on another side note, I came up with a brilliant use for my twitter account. Quick tips, and a great place for short Q&A.
xx Ladies and Gents
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